Machine Rear Delt Flys
1. Set Up:
Adjust the machine’s seat and chest pad to your body’s proportions.
Sit down on the machine with your chest against the chest pad and your feet flat on the ground.
Grasp the machine’s handles with your hands.
2. Starting Position:
Keep your chest pressed against the pad and maintain a neutral spine.
Your arms should be fully extended in front of you, holding the handles.
Ensure that your shoulders are relaxed, not hunched.
3. Pulling Motion:
Inhale as you squeeze your shoulder blades together.
Pull the handles backward and outward, away from each other, while maintaining a slight bend in your elbows.
4. Range of Motion:
Continue pulling until your arms are parallel to the ground or slightly higher.
Focus on engaging your rear deltoid muscles during this phase.
5. Squeeze and Pause:
At the back of the movement, pause briefly and contract your rear deltoid muscles.
6. Returning to Starting Position:
Exhale as you slowly release the handles and return to the starting position, with your arms extended.
7. Finish:
Once you’ve completed your set, carefully exit the machine.
Tips for Proper Machine Rear Delt Flys Form:
Controlled Movements: Perform the exercise with controlled and deliberate motions.
Core Engagement: Engage your core muscles to maintain proper posture and stability.
Elbow Position: Maintain a slight bend in your elbows throughout the movement.
Breathing: Inhale as you pull the handles backward, and exhale as you return to the starting position.
Warm-Up: Perform a light warm-up before starting your machine rear delt fly sets to prepare your shoulder muscles.
Adjustments: Ensure that the machine settings are appropriate for your body size and comfort.