1. Starting Position:
Stand up straight with your feet together.
Keep your shoulders relaxed and your core engaged.
2. Step Forward:
Take a step forward with one leg, ensuring your stride is long enough to create a 90-degree angle when both knees are bent.
Your feet should be hip-width apart or slightly wider.
3. Descending:
Lower your body by bending both knees until your back knee is hovering just above the ground or lightly touching it.
Maintain an upright torso and avoid leaning too far forward.
4. Depth:
Aim for a 90-degree angle in both knees, with your front knee aligned with your ankle.
Your back knee should be aligned with your hips.
5. Ascending:
Push through your front heel to return to the starting position.
Engage your leg muscles to lift your body back up.
6. Alternating Legs:
After completing a set of lunges on one leg, switch to the other leg and repeat the same steps.
7. Breathing:
Inhale as you step forward and begin descending.
Exhale as you push back up to the starting position.

Tips for Proper Lunge Form:
Controlled Movements: Perform the exercise in a controlled manner to maintain balance and stability.
Stride Length: Find a stride length that allows you to maintain proper form and comfortably reach a 90-degree knee angle.
Knee Alignment: Keep your knees aligned with your ankles to avoid strain.
Torso Upright: Maintain an upright posture throughout the lunge to engage the proper muscles.
Core Engagement: Keep your core muscles engaged to stabilize your body.
Footwear: Wear proper footwear with good traction for stability.
Variations: Experiment with different lunge variations, such as reverse lunges or walking lunges.
Warm-Up: Perform a light warm-up before starting your lunge sets to prepare your muscles.